One of the best ways to save money on a vacation is to make your food where you're staying rather than going out for all meals. For this reason along with the opportunity to have a more authentic experience in a new place, many vacationers are choosing to exchange or rent full homes and apartments rather than stay in a hotel. With this in mind, if you're considering renting out your home, it might be time to make some kitchen updates to appeal to the renters who plan to spend a good amount of time preparing meals at home.
These updates don't have to mean a massive overhaul or renovation in your kitchen. You might simply change the drawer pulls and cabinet knobs. Another update that wouldn't be especially time or cost-intensive would be to add a new kitchen backsplash. Just like the knobs and pulls, this is a detail that can make a huge difference in enhancing your kitchen's atmosphere and appeal. Similarly, maybe it's time for a new kitchen sink. Chances are that the people renting your home are going to be making meals for the group and will need a large sink to wash the dishes or at least rinse them off before they go into the dishwasher.
If you feel like taking your updates up a notch, you might refurbish your cabinets with a new paint color or new stain. You could also add a kitchen island, which makes the kitchen better for entertaining. If you want an island that is more on the flexible side, you can get a portable kitchen island or cart. Not only are they portable, but you can choose the setup based on what you think would function best in your space i.e. cabinets for storing larger items, a wine rack, small drawers, etc.
Enjoy making your kitchen updates and your home exchange!
At The RTA Store, we help make your dream kitchen a reality with RTA (ready-to-assemble) and pre-assembled kitchen cabinets and accessories with the same (if not better) quality you would find at any retail store but for a fraction of the price. Stop by our website or give us a call and let us make your kitchen dreams come true with the help of our free kitchen design tool!