
Two-Toned Cabinet Ideas with 2019 Color Trends

Color makes a big impact on the overall tone and appearance of a room and this is especially true for the kitchen. After all, it’s one of the rooms that people spend the most time in, between meal prepping, cooking and entertaining.

So, if you’re planning a kitchen remodel within the next year and want to incorporate trendy two-toned cabinets into your new design, you’ll want to keep reading. We’ve compiled ideas for two-toned kitchen cabinets based on 2019 color trends, as well as wall color options that pair well with certain cabinet colors.

Best Paired Colors for Cabinets (Using 2019 Color Trends)

Popular 2019 colors will range from natural neutrals like oak and green to exotic, bold shades, particularly oranges and deep blues. A few fabulous two-toned cabinet color options based on these upcoming trends include:

  • Saffron yellow and charcoal
  • Cherry wood and cream
  • Light blue and white glazed oak
  • Deep blue and brown
  • Green and taupe

Wall & Cabinet Color Pairings

2019 kitchen designs will include a lot of contrast and juxtaposition, with dark colors being offset by lighter or brighter colors, offering a visually appealing and welcoming look.

If your kitchen cabinets and appliances are within the same color family, your wall color can be a great place to add in some contrast. Here are some wall colors to try with the above listed two-toned cabinet color combinations:

  • Pair saffron yellow and charcoal cabinets with powder blue walls
  • Cherry wood and cream cabinets are beautifully matched with dark gray walls
  • Orange walls create a lovely contrast with light blue and white glazed oak cabinets
  • Bright white is an ideal wall color to go with a two-toned cabinet combination of deep blue and brown
  • Green and taupe cabinets are enhanced when set against muted mauve or vino colored walls

No matter what the style of your home is or what you envision for your kitchen redesign, you’ll find some great inspiration in these two-toned cabinet ideas and complementary wall colors.